Magento 2March 26, 2014

Top Five Magento Questions and Their Answers - 1

In this weekly Magento Questions and answers segment, we will pick hot questions from Magento Connect and other sources to help the community. So lets start right away with what people are asking about the most:

Q. How do I optimise the speed on our website? 

A. Website speed is crucial for conversions in ecommerce. First of all, we must ensure that we follow professional coding standards such as laid out here,, you can analyze your page speed by using Google page speed tool (

Here is an article about Magento Speed Optimization. Next important thing is to have quality web hosting, make sure your hardware resources are able to take the load. If you are still not able to make it happen, contact us here and we will optimize your website as per the standards.

Q. Get $15 discount if you “like” us on Facebook? How to Implement Such Functionality.

A. This functionality is not present by default in Magento, therefore, an extension will be required for this purpose, use FME Magento Facebook Discount Extension, which has loads of features to offer in just $59.99 price tag.

Q. How do I add a radio button to the billing information in checkout that has a predetermined shipping address? 

A. This functionality is also not present in Magento by default, one of the plugins that you can use to add custom fields on checkout page is Additional Checkout Attributes Module by FME.

Q.  We’ve created custom options for a producty, including a file (image) upload, btu can’t find where the file gets stored, and there is no reference to it on the order. Any clues?

A.  Check the following path, media/catalog/product and then divided by their SKU starting letters/numbers.

Q. Automatically apply coupons on a landing page (or any CMS page), Came across a situation where I needed to automatically apply a coupon code based on the landing page a visitor arrived at. Didn’t see anything here on the forums, so I whipped up some quick Javascript and thought I’d share the resulting snippet:

A. If you are not interested in using any plugin, here is an article that may help you,

In next week, we will pick some more questions.

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