FME has Launched 3 New Magento Extensions

FME has Launched 3 New Magento Extensions

FME is among the pioneers of Magento Extensions Development and since five years of its existence, it has produced some of the most popular and top of the line plugins. To name a few, some are Shop by Brands, One Step Checkout, PayPal Adaptive Payments, Google Maps and Advanced Testimonials. For more products visit our broad product category list. Let’s talk about the brand new Intelligent Magento Extensions

FME New Magento Extensions,

  • Events Discount Packages
  • Add Products to CMS
  • List View Product Gallery

Lets briefly discuss each of these, for more detailed features you can visit the product page.

Events Discount Packages Magento Extension

This extension allows you to create deals and packages for events such as Christmas, New Year, and Valentines etc. You can create unlimited events with this plugin. The next thing you can do is to create hot deals and then associate them to these events. For example you can create a deal for clothing such that “Buy 5 T-Shirts for Just $200” when the original price might be higher. This benefits customers a lot; they can buy more products in a cheap price. This functionality is not provide by default  in Magento.

Add Products to CMS Magento Extension

CMS pages are like About Us, Contact Us, FAQ etc; these pages are mostly visited by customers to find information or contact with you. Why not showcase your product where there is hustle and bustle. Add Products to CMS plugin lets you advertise your products beautifully on these pages just like Cross sells, up sells.  This Magento CMS Extension is another way of getting maximum benefit from these pages.

List View Product Gallery Magento Extension

This extension is a must to have feature for websites which offer fashion, beauty, cosmetics, apparel, clothing or jewelry products. Because these websites uses heavy work of images to advertise a product, for example clothing stores will use big size model images wearing their samples to showcase products effectively. When customers move the mouse over to those images, other views of the same product are loaded and shown to user instantly.

This Extension exactly does the same job perfectly. You can enable “previous/next” button or slideshow of images. An image zoomer is also provided which will open up zoomed image in a lightbox. Please visit these products to find out more details on overall features they offer.

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