Magento 2E-CommerceAugust 8, 2016

11 Doubts about a Magento Development Company You Should Clarify

11 Doubts about a Magento Development Company You Should Clarify

Magento boasts a huge community of web developers who are making life easier for merchants and service providers across the globe. Despite the skills, expertise and a professional approach of developers, most of the merchants are still dubious about different aspects of their business, website and support after the completion of their project. The beginners lack the rules and norms of this field that’s why they build up doubts and a fear for deceitful dealings. These doubts may seem to be inferior, but may prevent a merchant from starting a new venture. For your convenience, these misconceptions are sketched below with clarification.

1. Copying the competitors web appearance

If you are thinking that a Magneto development company will copy someone else's theme for building up your store, you are completely wrong. Practically it can't be true because Magento is an open source e-commerce platform that instantly set up an entire online shop with a series of product lines and categories. They build you a store from the scratch, which may share a common platform, but with a different structure, approach and user experience.

2. Customization is an easy job

The general perception about customization is to turn on some options, set a color pattern and a central theme, whereas the Magento customization is more complex than that. It involves the creation of basic modules and database scripts, enhancing the functionality of a store and making the visual aspects more prominent for the convenience of end users. It requires technical know-how and expertise to make your store look distinct than others.

3. Support needs to be free

While beginning as an online merchant or service provider, you must know that there is not something like a free lunch. The Magento custom development companies do offer free support for a defined time period, whereas it is not mandatory for them to continuously deliver support without invoicing. The price you pay for the entire project does not cover the technical support, whereas the free deal is often voluntary.

4. Magento installation is not mandatory

Just like a traditional business needs continuous investment on various matters to achieve certain goals, your online store does require the same. The additional Magento extensions that are suggested for your business specific needs are mandatory for boosting online presence, improving the shopping experience and doing lots of other stuff. Yes, it is a source of income for developers, but they are not billing you unjust as you can negotiate for an affordable quote and select a company accordingly.

5. My company credentials are in danger

Business information is private and confidential, and eCommerce developers know it very well. In fact, they are also doing business and take every step to protect client privacy. It is not a one-off job that they develop you an entire store and disappears from the screen. They are in a habit of maintaining a healthy relationship with frequent correspondence which entrusts you the security of company credentials.

6. Disclosure of business ideas

A business idea that is unique and distinct to you may seem to be useless for others. What matters the most is the way you have planned to implement a complete strategy over an eCommerce platform. Don’t be afraid to share ideas and discuss it to seek expert developers opinion, as they have already worked on numerous projects and can guide you to the right track. They partner with you in adding expertise to refine your idea and mold it to the market trends and demands. Stealing or copying your original idea is rare as you have coined it according to the available resources, so disclose it for the practical implementation.

7. They will outsource my project further

There is a clear line between Magento development companies and agencies. It is true that in terms of reaping higher profit margins, most of the companies outsource projects to the cheap workers from the developing companies, but you must be clever enough to differentiate between a professional company and a revenue sharing agency. A quick tip is to have a quick chat with their representative. Briefing about the technical aspects and the unnecessary time lap between each reply can help you identify them.

8. Who is going to be the owner?

Back in the decade, most of the web development companies used to retain the ownership of the design and domain name, because the merchants were not aware of the different building blocks of an online business. Nowadays, the merchants, who want to the markets after thorough research to practically implement their idea, are given the ownership of the whole project. You must be clear that you own each and everything that is built exclusively for your needs.

9. It takes a long time to have an e-store

The time a Magento development company takes to complete a project depends more on your needs than their expertise. Though with a quick installation of Magento platform, you can go live in a few days, but it is the addition of functionality and other customization that may take time. Developers calculate the completion of a project in various phases which shows the number of activities they have to perform, and it justifies the time they need to set up an alluring, engaging and world-class online store.

10. Hiring another company for maintenance

There is no need to search for another company to avail maintenance unless you are not satisfied with their services. The guys who have set up the online store and done the customization are fast in figuring out issues, removing bugs and checkout development flaws with frequent maintenance roundups. You can avail maintenance facility for about three to six months that are at the discretion of your company.

11. They are expensive to deal with

Magento Web development is an expensive profession and people are earning a lot from it, but generally speaking Magento cuts off the cost by providing a complete eCommerce platform free of cost. Set up a store with community edition and pay only for the customization and additional plugins. Just like the way you have to own a shop and do renovation and interior, an eCommerce website also needs a strong base and a bright appearance. Start with less and invest money in development as you succeed through the different phases of your entrepreneurial journey.

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