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How to Set Up a Content Delivery Network (CDN) in Magento 2?

How to Set Up a Content Delivery Network (CDN) in Magento 2?

As the title indicates, this article will discuss everything there is to know about setting up a content delivery network (CDN) in Magento 2. However, we first need to familiarise ourselves with a CDN. What is a Content Delivery Network? The simplest way to define a CDN is that it is a group of servers that are dispersed across different geographic locations. These servers are used to cache content close to users. Today, every major website or web application uses a CDN to serve its users. The below image provides a visual explanation of how a CDN works. Source: Cloudfare As can be seen in the above image, the content is delivered to the user from the closest server rather than the origin server. This ensures minimal load on the original server as the traffic is distributed across various servers. Nowadays, the use of CDN has become quite important. The most notable example is Netflix. Did you ever wonder how users are able to watch their favourite content in high-quality without worrying about downtime or service degradation? Considering that Netflix has millions of subscribers, this is no less than an achievement. It is made possible only through the efficient use of CDN. The below image shows the extent to which Netflix relies upon CDNs. Source: Netflix Given Netflix’s growing subscriber base, it is likely that Netflix will set up more servers in the coming years. Now, before we elaborate on the steps to set up a CDN in Magento, we’ll talk about why using a Magento CDN is a must nowadays. This will give a better understanding of CDNs. Benefits of a Magento CDN Improves Loading Speed Nowadays, website loading speed has a direct impact on the user experience. If a website or web app takes longer than 3 seconds to load, users will simply move on. Most recent statistics point that the waiting time has come from 3 to 2 seconds. Naturally, as internet speeds improve, users will expect faster loading times. A CDN increases a website’s loading speed by delivering content to users from the nearest servers. Thus, if a user in Australia logs into Netflix, they won’t be accessing content from a US server. Instead, they’ll be linked to an Australian server. This localisation of content ensures minimal loading times. Scalability During promotional events, websites experience high levels of traffic. Suppose you are running a Magento store in the UK. During the Christmas period, you decide to slash product prices by up to 50%. Naturally, this will drive traffic as the audience will be looking to get a good deal. In most cases, when websites experience a sudden increase in traffic, the server goes down. It means the website won’t load for most users. Even it does manage to load, the speed will be quite slow, thereby leading to negative user experience. This is where a CDN comes into play. It helps distribute traffic across multiple servers, thereby helping online stores deal with sudden increase in traffic. By keeping the store operational during sales events, you can generate considerable sales. At the time, users will be extremely happy and reward you with positive word of mouth. Increases Ranking Google and almost every other search engine uses a website’s loading speed in their search algorithm. Thus, higher the loading speed, the better the ranking in search engine result pages. As CDNs boost a website’s loading times, Magento store owner can expect a noticeable increase in rankings. In other words, a CDN can boost your search engine optimisation strategy. However, SEO is a vast field. Using a CDN alone will not do much to improve rankings. You’ll have to come up with a comprehensive strategy which focuses on off-page, on-page, and technical SEO. You also may want to read: Top 8 CDN Providers for Magento 2 Now, let’s turn our attention to how to set up a CDN in Magento. A Step-By-Step Dive into Setting Up a CDN in Magento 2 Step 1: Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel and navigate to Stores Settings Configuration . Step 2: In the left panel under General , choose Web . Step 3: In the upper-left corner, set Store View as needed Step 4: Expand Base URLs section and do the following: In the Base URL for Static View Files field, enter the CDN URL for static view files. In the Base URL for User Media Files field, enter the CDN URL for JavaScript and CSS files. Step 5: Expand Base URLs (Secure) section and do the following: In the Secure Base URL for Static View Files field, enter the CDN URL for static view files over HTTPS. In the Secure Base URL for User Media Files field, enter the CDN URL for JavaScript and CSS files over HTTPS. Step 6: Click Save Config. Step 7: Flush the Magento 2 cache by going to the main menu, selecting System Cache Management. Click Flush Magento Cache. After flushing the cache, your Magento 2 store should now be using your CDN. Additional Tips to Keep in Mind When Using a Magento CDN If you are using a CDN with a custom domain, you will need to create a CNAME record for your CDN domain that points to your Magento 2 store's domain. You can test your CDN configuration by using a tool like Pingdom or WebPageTest. If you are having trouble setting up your CDN, you can contact your CDN provider for support. Who Should Use a Magento CDN? From an eCommerce perspective, the following Magento stores must use a CDN: Large Stores Magento stores with a large product catalogue must invest in a CDN. Since the website is filled with high-resolution product images and other media, loading times can be slow. A CDN can boost the website loading times. Geographically Dispersed Stores If a store is active in multiple regions, investing in a CDN is a wise choice. The CDN will serve users through a server closest to them. High Traffic eCommerce Stores As mentioned earlier, CDN is a perfect solution to deal with sudden increases in website traffic. If your website already enjoys a good traffic, investing in a CDN can help offset the impact of any sudden increase. Final Thoughts on Magento 2 CDN This concludes our article on setting up a CDN in Magento 2. As you can see, the steps are quite straightforward. Nevertheless, if you still face any issues, contact our support team . They’ll guide you through every step.

5 Tips To Improve Your Magento Ranking In Google Search

5 Tips To Improve Your Magento Ranking In Google Search

Magento (now Adobe Commerce) is one of the most popular eCommerce stores. It offers numerous benefits over other platforms. For instance, you can manage multiple brands/stores using a single interface. Secondly, it is highly customizable, thereby allowing users to set up a store that aligns with their brand. Thirdly, it makes it easier to optimize your store. Undoubtedly, after setting up your online store, the next step is to optimize it. It is the only way to bring organic traffic and improve the user experience. More organic traffic means higher revenue. According to several reports, the 1st organic position in a Google search result generates more than 10x clicks than a website on the 10th position. Magento offers a wide range of features that address all aspects of search engine optimization – on page, off page, and technical. This article lists the top 5 tips to improve your store’s ranking in Google Search. So, what's the buzz about Magento? Well, according to the folks at BuiltWith, there are over 500,000 websites cruising along with the power of Magento. And one big reason for its success? Its magical ability to adapt! Thanks to Magento 2 (now Adobe Commerce), this platform offers a world of possibilities through extensions and custom development that can seriously level up your online store experience.

How to Enable Template Path Hints in Magento 2? The Right Way

How to Enable Template Path Hints in Magento 2? The Right Way

If you are a Magento developer, then you’ll benefit from this article greatly as we are going to discuss everything there’s to know about Magento 2 template hints. Before we discuss how to enable template path hints in Magento 2, let’s understand what Magento 2 template hints are and how it benefits the developers. What are Magento 2 Template Hints? By enabling "Template Path Hints", you can see exactly which file a particular area of the page is created from. This makes it easy to locate a particular .phtml file and update it to make changes in the specific content on the storefront. Now, let’s turn our attention towards the benefits. Why Should You Use Magento 2 Template Path Hints? Quick Debugging The topmost reason merchants use Magento is because of its customisability. Naturally, when considerable custom work is done, there are chances of bugs. Enabling the Magento 2 template hints allows developers to see which template file is used to render a specific part of the webpage. This speeds up the process of identifying and fixing coding issues. Saves Time If you need to make changes to your store, then developers require considerable time to browse through directories to find the relevant template files. When the template path hints are enabled, developers can easily pinpoint the exact file they need to modify, thereby speeding up the development process. Enabling Template Path Hints in Magento Template path hints can be enabled for either the storefront or the Admin. If Magento 2 template hints are not showing on storefront, then you can use any of the following two methods to fix this problem. Method 1: Enable Template Path Hints in Magento 2 Via Admin Panel Login to your Admin panel Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Developer Expand the " Debug " section Enable Template Path Hints for Storefront To enable template path hints for the Storefront, set “ Enable Template Path Hints for Storefront ” to Yes . To enable hints for storefront with url parameter, set Enable hints for Storefront with URL Parameter to Yes . Make sure to Clear Magento Cache if template path hints for storefront are not working. Keep in mind that after enabling the Magento 2 template path hints, your website will slow down significantly. Therefore, only enable this feature in development mode. For more information, refer to our guide on how to set Magento 2 modes . Enable Template Path Hints for Admin To Enable template path hints for the Admin , set Enabled Template Path Hints for Admin to Yes. Click " Save Config " Now Clear Magento Cache: On the Admin sidebar, go to System -> Tools -> Cache Management -> click Flush Magento Cache . If you refresh your front end view (your website) you should now see Template Path Hints enabled for you and you can easily trace the .phtml files and edit it. Method 2: Enable Magento 2 Template Hints via Command Line Connect to your store with SSH terminal, and go to the root directory of your Magento 2 store. To Enable Template Hints via CLI: php bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable To Disable Template Hints via CLI: php bin/magento dev:template-hints:disable Clear Cache via CLI: Make sure, you clear Magento 2 cache if Magento 2 template hints are not showing. Clear Magento Cache to remove all hints from the store using the following command: bin/magento cache:flush Final Thoughts on Magento 2 Template Hints That’s all about enabling template path hints in Magento 2. This is as straightforward as it seems. However, no question is a wrong question so don’t hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions related to template path hints in Magento 2 . Read More: Add Custom Variable to Email Template in Magento 2 How to Create a Gift Card in Magento 2? How to Add a Canonical URL in Magento 2? FAQs About Magento 2 Template Path Hints 1. What are template path hints in Magento 2? It is a feature that helps developers see which template file is used for a specific part on any webpage. 2. What to do if Magento 2 template hints not showing? If the template path hints are not showing, then repeat the above steps again. Ensure that you clear the cache. In most cases, users forget to clear the cache. 3. Are there any security concerns related to showing template hints? If you enable the template path hints in production mode, then users can see the internal structure of your store. This information is sensitive and can be misused. 4. Can I enable template paths for specific URLs? Yes, you can do so easily. All you need to do is set Enable hints for Storefront with URL Parameter to Yes.

How to Configure the Minimum Order Amount in Magento 2?

How to Configure the Minimum Order Amount in Magento 2?

In a previous article, we talked about how to configure COD payment method in Magento 2 . One of the points we made was that store owners can set up a minimum and maximum order amount to enable this payment method. In other words, if the order amount is lower than the minimum amount or greater than the maximum, the COD payment method is automatically disabled. In this article, we are going to discuss about the Magento 2 minimum order amount and how to configure it. What is the Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount? As a store owner, you wish to maximise profitability, but without exploiting the customers. Naturally, if a customer orders a product worth $1 and expects it to be delivered across the country, its not really worthwhile for the store owner. They’ll be spending more on packaging and shipping than what they’ll receive in return. This is where the Magento 2 minimum order amount comes into play. It is the lowest monetary amount that a customer must spend on products or services in a single transaction when making a purchase. It is a requirement set by the seller and customers must meet or exceed this amount to complete the transaction. In case the customer’s subtotal or grand total is below the minimum order amount, he/she will not be able to proceed to checkout. Why Set Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount? When setting up a Magento 2 minimum order amount for customer group or for everyone, you’ll realise the following benefits: Higher Average Order Value The first thing you’ll notice is that the average order value has increased. This translates to better profitability and more sales. Less Operational Costs Secondly, the operational costs with processing an order goes down. Whether it is a single item or 10 items, the process and packaging costs are almost similar. Thus, it is better to process 10 items than only one. Improved Financial Stability A higher average order value leads to greater financial stability. The business can reinvest the extra amount to offer better services and products. Streamlined Order Management By reducing the number of small orders, order management becomes easier and more manageable. Potential Drawbacks Associated with Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount? While the minimum order amount offers various benefits, there are certain drawbacks which need to be kept in mind, including: Lower Customer Satisfaction Your customers may feel that you are forcing them to spend more than required. This can lead them to develop negative feelings towards your store. They may shift to a store that lets them order only the items they require without worrying about the minimum order amount. High Cart Abandonment Another potential drawback is that customers may abandon their cart after getting to know that the order does not meet the minimum order amount. They may not feel compelled to add more items to the cart. From a business perspective, it leads to higher losses. The cost of holding inventory will increase as well. How to Configure the Minimum Order Amount in Magento 2? Magento, as a flexible eCommerce platform, allows you to establish a minimum order amount through the admin panel. Keep in mind that this minimum order amount applies to all customers. If you need to set unique minimum order amounts for a customer group, consider using our Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount for Customer Group extension. Login to your Magento 2 admin panel On the left panel, navigate to Stores and under 'Settings', click Configuration On the left panel, expand Sales and click on Sales Expand the Minimum Order Amount tab Enable: Select 'Yes' to enable the minimum order amount Minimum Amount: Enter the minimum order amount Include Discount Amount: Select 'Yes' if you want to include discount in the amount Include Tax to Amount: Select 'Yes' if you want to include tax in the amount Description Message: Enter a custom message you want to display when a customer does not meet the minimum order amount requirement Error to Show in Shopping Cart: Enter the error message you want to display in shopping cart Click Save Config That's it for the configuration. Now when a customer tries to purchase less than $50, he will get a warning message as shown below. About the Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount for Customer Group Extension This extension is a must-have for store owners who wish to apply the minimum order amount for a specific customer group or groups. Through this extension, you can: Display a Custom Message If Order Amount Does Not Meet the Minimum Amount Calculate Order Amount Based on Subtotal or Grand Total To know more about this extension, book a live demo . Final Thoughts on Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount This concludes our article on how to configure the minimum order amount in Magento 2. Contact our support team if you require any help. Check Out: How to Configure Zero Subtotal Checkout in Magento 2? Hide Price & Add to Cart Button Extension Call for Price Extension

How to Configure Cash On Delivery Payment Method in Magento 2?

How to Configure Cash On Delivery Payment Method in Magento 2?

Magento is a robust eCommerce platform that is widely known for its customisability, innovative features, and scalability. Speaking of features, Magento offers various payment methods, including the cash on delivery (COD). In this article, we’ll discuss about the COD payment method, its benefits, and how to configure it in Magento 2. Let’s get started. What is the COD Payment Method? Suppose you ordered a pair of sneakers from an online store. Instead of paying upfront using a bank card or any other payment platform, you opt for COD. In this case, you’ll pay the store only when the product is delivered to your location. In other words, no payment exchanges hands unless the product is delivered. The customer pays the money to the shipping carrier at the time of receiving the goods. The shipping carrier then transfers the money to the seller after deducting their service/handling fee. This payment method is often preferred by those who are not comfortable with online payments. Magento 2 allows you accept and configure Cash on Delivery payment method for your store. You can configure COD for specific countries & also the minimum and maximum order total. Before we list the steps to configure the COD payment method in Magento 2, let’s understand the pros and cons associated with it. Benefits of Magento 2 COD Payment Method Convenience This payment method is highly convenient for customers in regions where online payments are not widely used or there’s risk of fraud. Target More Customers Another notable benefit is that it allows the store to target customers who are not a part of the formal payment channels or do not prefer to use digital payments. Less Risky There’s less risk of fraudulent transactions since the payment is only made once the goods are delivered. Enhances Trust for New Stores Suppose you opened your Magento 2 store only recently. The target audience would be sceptical of buying from a newly established store. By offering the COD payment method, you can enhance user trust. Based on our experience, offering COD is a great way to enhance Magento 2 sales . No Delays in Receiving Payments Usually, banks and other online payment channels hold the payment for a while before transferring it to the merchant. This is a significant issue for a business’s cash flow. In the case of COD, the payment is collected as soon as the product is delivered. In other words, there’s no delay whatsoever. No Fees Another notable benefit is that that the merchant does not have to pay any fee to the payment providers. This maximises profitability. Drawbacks of the COD Payment Method High Risk of Returns Change of mind is one of the biggest reasons behind order returns. When the payment is made online, store owners can deduct a certain amount before processing the refund. In case of COD, there’s no way to deduct any amount in case the customer refuses to accept the delivery. Security Concerns Another issue is that handling large amounts of cash is not without security concerns. What if the delivery person is mugged after delivery COD orders? In that case, the store will lose the items and the cash. This double loss can send any business to the ground. Secondly, courts may hold the business owner liable for any injuries to the delivery person. Administrative Issues Lastly, handling cash can be quite tiresome. In online payments, everything is mostly automated. Therefore, report generation and account reconciliation is not a concern. While handling cash, everything must be done manually. It can detract you and your employees from tasks that matter the most. How to Configure COD In Magento 2 admin area, navigate to Stores -> Settings -> Configuration . Under Sales , select Payment Methods . Configure Title & Order Status You will see all the available payment methods. Expand the Cash On Delivery Payment tab to see the following options. Enabled: Set it to ‘Yes’ to active Cash On Delivery Payment method. Title: This is what your customers see as the name for this payment method during checkout. New Order Status: Set it to Pending until receipt of payment is confirmed. Setup COD for Specific Countries Following are some more options related to countries where you can enable Cash on Delivery payment method for specific or all countries. Payment from Applicable Countries: Set it to one of the following two options. All Allowed Countries: Allows customers from all countries specified in the store configuration to use this payment method. Specified Countries: When you select this option, the Payment from Specified Countries list becomes active. Select countries where you allow COD. Instructions: Provide instructions regarding the Magento 2 Cash On Delivery payment method in simple words. Set Minimum & Maximum Order Total The Minimum Order Total and Maximum Order Total allows you to set the order amounts that should qualify them to avail the COD method. Sort Order: Enter a number to determine the position of Cash On Delivery payment method with other payment methods during checkout. (0=first, 1=second, 2=third and so on). Click Save Config to save the configurations. Restricting Payment Methods Magento 2 If you're looking to restrict any of the existing payment method, then use our Magento 2 Payment Restrictions The extension allows you to restrict payment methods based on various conditions, including: Specific Days and Time Customer Groups Cart and Product Attributes Shipping Methods To know more about the extension and how it benefits your store, book a live demo. Our Magento 2 development experts will guide you in detail about the extension. Final Thoughts on Magento 2 COD Payment Method Got Questions? If you have any issue in configuring Cash on Delivery Payment Method in your Magento 2 store, you can contact our support team by submitting a ticket here . Our experts will get back to you promptly. See Also: Set Zero Subtotal Checkout in Magento 2 Configure Magento 2 Purchase Order Payment Method

Best Informative Magento 2 Forums For Developers | Beginners

Best Informative Magento 2 Forums For Developers | Beginners

Research confirms that Magento is the most widely used eCommerce platforms worldwide. Recently, we conducted a survey of eCommerce stores across various reasons. Our research confirmed that most merchants opt for Magento as shown below: Source:FME Extensions We asked the participants to elaborate on the reasons for their choices. For merchants using Magento, the reasons are: Source: FME Extensions According to the above statistic, most merchants prefer Magento because of its customisability. As an open-source platform, there is nothing that users cannot customise through extensions and custom development. Apart from this, the platform offers advanced features, enhanced security, multi-store management, and more. Furthermore, the platform is easily scalable. It allows store owners to start as low as they can afford and expand as and when required. It has provided some of the advanced features by default that other eCommerce applications do not possess. One other reason is the Magento community support. Many merchants simply opt for Magento because of the support that it offers. We are not just referring to the official support channels. If you quickly Google ‘Magento forums’, you’ll notice there are large, dedicated forums for Magento. These forums cater to different requirements, including beginner-level users and expert developers. The Need of Magento Forums for Beginner & Expert Developers For Beginners Magento 2 community forums and others provide numerous benefits, including: Opportunity to Learn from Experienced Developers The most notable benefit is that beginners can learn from expert Magento developers. They can ask question and get an expert answer promptly. This certainly reduces the learning curve and can help beginners overcome challenges quickly. Access to Knowledge Another benefit of Magento forums is that beginners can find access to guides, how-to articles, and other tutorials. If they encounter any problem during Magento development, they can simply browse an article to find the fix. For example: How To Configure Auto Currency Switcher in Magento 2? How To Import & Export Product Reviews in Magento 2? How To Cancel an Order in Magento 2 Backend & Frontend? These are quite common challenges that developers will encounter. By simply reading the above articles, beginner developers can find solutions. Confidence Building Moreover, Magento forums provide beginner developers an opportunity to interact with experts from across the globe. This can be a great way to boost their confidence and acquire information about the latest best practices. This can go a long way in setting up their career for success. For Experts Networking The topmost benefit for Magento forums for expert developers is that provide an opportunity to network with one another. This can open new opportunities. For example, a developer from US can interact with one based in China or any other country. Through regular interactions, they can come up with new ideas that can be mutually beneficial. They may even have job or independent work opportunities. Knowledge Contribution Another benefit for the experts is that they can use the Magento forums to highlight their expertise. For instance, if they regularly participate in discussions, write detailed guides, and help others, they can become a go-to expert. Merchants, individuals, and even large organisations may ask them for help. Different Perspectives The forums can be a great way to know what others think about various challenges related to Magento development. Experts can use this opportunity to explore different ways to solve a complex problem. Who Manages Magento Forums? Thus, to create a productive and learning environment, various Magento 2 forums are created and managed by vetted industry experts. These virtual communities help clear misconceptions and ambiguities not only among the fresh developers, but also to answer queries of the online merchants, their managers, and other stakeholders. For your ease, FME Extensions have compiled a list of top Magento 2 forums to review them and mark some of them for seeking quick guidance. Have a look at them below. Even our own Magento development experts use these expert Magento community forums for guidance and to help others. 8 Best Magento Forums 1: Magento Stack Exchange Any programmer or web developer may seek assistance from Stack Exchange as it a hub of communities that are actively participating in more than 175 Question and Answer threads. Among those communities, Magento Stack Exchange is one of the most populated and helpful communities that prove to be the biggest forum resource for beginners as well as advanced Magento developers. Being a useful forum for a plethora of programming languages and technology, your mind may strike as how it can be informative specifically for Magento. The answer to this lies in the four pillars of Stack Exchange, which include: Mandatory registration for asking a question Search solved queries by tags and titles The fast response of adept coders Exposure to issues and solution beyond your imagination It is more than a forum as it provides volumes of content in making the users understand different techniques for resolving complex issues in Magento. It is one of the best forums for Magento 2 as the closure of support of the previous version has made the developers looking for queries relating to the latest version. 2: Magento Community Forum The official Magento 2 forum provides an absolute platform for asking anything about Magento without any fear or ambiguity. The beginners rush to the Magento community forum in search of getting authentic solutions as the platform is housed by more than 245,000 members. They are knowledgeable, experienced, and active, and supportive. I may not be wrong if I call it an international community as Magento is powering eCommerce websites across the globe. People from different regions and ethnicity are using the platform, thus coming with a problem of their own. Knowing solutions to their regional problems gives the community members a global exposure. 3: Magento Experts Forum The reason I am discussing the Magento Expert Forum immediately after the official forum of Magento proves the significance of this informative podium. It has a gigantic list of topics that are distinguished in 7,500+ threads and 25,000+ posts. Besides that, a community of more than 10,000 members actively answering questions and suggesting innovative solutions will never disappoint you find an explanation of a specific query. The developers who have recently focused the Magento 2 can seek help in technical support, review new products, services, or extensions, and find instructive material as user documents and tutorials. Agencies, web managers, and store owners can also take part in threads like best Magento hosting suggestions, server selection, and configuration options. Recommendation: Best Magento 2 Web Hosting Providers Additionally, this Magento 2 forum also keeps the members well-informed about the news, jobs, and freelance gigs for Magento developers and designers. it does provide opportunities to promote products like Magento themes, extensions, and API configurations. 4: Reddit You may be already familiar with Reddit and its authority for productive threads and useful discussions. Thought, this is not a dedicated platform for Magento 2, but its vast collection of threads and immense debate makes it one of the suitable and resourceful platforms for Magento. Reddit is popular for being the first website that stated aggregating content by encouraging people to share informative posts. It has a strong check on evaluating the links Redditors share in the forum to ensure only relevant, didactic, and non-promotional content is shared. It has a universe of engaging posts for learners to ask and share thoughts about Magento 2. The threads are neat and clean and free from irrelevant stuff. 5: Quora Quora is an advanced form of discussion boards as it has engulfed the functionality of questions and answers along with networking with industry experts. It is an amalgamation of useful threads and social media. Quora is amassing about 300 million users across the globe. The same volume of users can be found on other social media platforms too, but here, the users are active, responsive, and rational. Unlike, the Facebook users, people are not talking bluff or beating about the bush on Quora. The presence of well engaged, well informed, and well-cultured users make it a reliable discussion forum for Magento 2 as well. It provides the young developers to find, follow, and inspire from industry experts who are sharing expertise by commenting on different threads. Quora proves as a quick help for users who are not yet familiar with dedicated forums and want a simple solution to their petty problems. 6: Magento Developers Facebook Group Magento Developers is a Facebook group with more than 21,000 users who are always busy in asking the problem they may face in writing the code and answering the questions they may be able to answer. Facebook is one of the greatest social media platforms that have excelled in providing discussion corners in the form of groups. Designers and developers can search for more groups that may specialize in discussion general and specific queries about the skills or technologies like Magento 2 they want to master. Additionally, they can follow top Magento development companies by liking their pages or joining the forums they may be managing or attending webinars and like conferencing on Facebook. 7: FME Magento Blog Blogging was initiated for seasoned professionals to share their knowledge and expertise informally to a set of audience. The Magento 2 blogs also serve the same purposes. There are expert individuals and reputable Magento 2 development companies that are sharing articles on different topics, extensions, and solutions. Magento 2 beginners would like to follow the official blog or any other reliable resource such as FME Extension blog for solutions in terms of extensions, tutorials, case studies, success stories, surveys and opinions, and researched and how-to articles. 8: Module Bazaar Forum This virtual gathering point is powered by Module Bazaar, which is yet another Magento solution provider. It has earned the place among top Magento 2 platforms because of providing skillful material to the members. The referring material is not only useful for the developers, but also beneficial for the customers and their staff, and other users who are facing problems operating and managing a Magento store. In addition to technical support, the forum does include threads on general topics that Magento stakeholders may come across while managing a shop. For example, it has detailed topics on digital marketing, SEO, SEM, Email marketing, and social media marketing. 9: Magento Forum This Magento 2 Forum is developed and managed by Go-Mage – a company that deals in Magento solutions. Though this discussion corner is new and fresh in comparison to others, it has amassed users' interest from far and wide. It has a considerable number of users who are sharing valuable content. In addition to routine queries of Magento 2, the common topics under discussion in this forum are about the programming languages such as CSS, HTML, and XHTML. It is a useful resource for interesting topics, questions, and articles. Final Thoughts on Top Magento 2 Forums Every forum or discussion board has a set of rules that makes it a success among its users. For example, the rigidity of approving posts in Reddit is one of the supreme examples of success. If you're looking to develop an online store or have an issue, then contact us to get instant support . Related Articles: Magento 2 Security Best Practices Magento 2.x System Requirements