1.8.x - 1.14.x
1.4.x - 1.9.4
Advance Articles

Advance Articles for Magento 1

Based on 4 reviews

Advance Articles is a feature rich Magento blog Extension that enables you to publish interactive content on your business website including articles, blog-posts, images and videos to educate your customers. You can create multiple categories to cover more topics, ideas and concepts. The SEO features in Magento blog module enhance online visibility, whereas the customization of theme and layout makes the blog user friendly.

  • WYSING Editor To Post Articles In Categories
  • Add Metas, Rating, Videos & Image Gallery
  • Manage Featured Blog Slider & Article Block
  • Manage Blog Authors & Comments
  • Search by Article or Author
  • Features
  • Product Reviews
  • FAQS
  • Related Products


    WYSING Editor

    Create blog in magento, write an article conveniently in a WYSIWYG editor. It lets you bold, italicize and underline text, and avail lots of other features the way you do in MS Word.

    Multiple Categories

    You can classify blogs by creating multiple categories and subcategories. It will create ease for customers to read more articles of a category with a single click.

    Videos & Image Gallery

    Add supporting videos to make the content more understandable. You can also create an image gallery to elaborate the events or concepts discussed in the content.

    Manage Authors & Comments

    You can approve authors to write for your blog or reject them if they do not meet your criteria. The comment approval is also upon your discretion.

    Customizable Blog Theme

    To make the blog attractive, you can customize the width, color and font of the theme. It will give you a complete blogging theme experience.

    Articles Block

    Adding Articles block will let you display a set of blog-posts on anywhere you want on your website. It will eventually increase viewership.

    Post Articles Using WYSIWYG Editor

    Create engaging content with advance editing tools offered by WYSIWYG.

    WYSING Editor

    You can continue writing and editing in a WYSIWYG Editor, regardless of previewing the content again and again.

    Attach Featured Image

    Attach featured images to make the content more compelling before your customers click on it.

    Customize Article URL

    Customize URL of each article to make it trustworthy and readable. It also makes the URL search engine friendly when you create blog for Magento.

    Attach Related Articles

    You can attach related articles to help readers find relevant content easily on your blog.

    Blog Categories in Magento Articles Extension

    You can add categories to classify content for easy readability.

    Main & Sub Categories

    Create categories for the articles and blogs. To classify broader areas, you can define subcategories as well.

    Customize Category URL

    You can add a category identifier in the URL to help readers know about the article topic.

    Assign Store View

    Assign a store views to a category to maximize readership in various languages.

    Add Photo Gallery in blog posts

    Blog Magento extension allows you to attach multiple images or a complete gallery to an article for further explanation.

    Upload Multiple Images & Display In Slider

    You can upload multiple images to create an image gallery. For customer convenience, Blog extension in Magento allows you to display these images in a slide style as well.

     Photo Gallery Configuration Options

    You can set up Nivo Slider with personalized settings to engage more customers towards the banners.

    • Enter Custom Heading For Gallery Section
    • Enable / Disable Image gallery
    • Select 1 of 3 available Slider Types
    • Enter Image Thumbnail Width & Height
    • Control Duration & Interval
    • Enter Banner Width & Height
    • Enable / Disable Auto Play
    • Show / Hide Image Title

    Video Player Features

    Upload a video or simply enter the link for adding a video to an article.

    Upload or Embed Videos

    Blog extension for Magento allows you to upload a video from your computer or enter a URL of your video from YouTube and this module will upload the video to your article.

     Video Player Settings

    • Enter Heading Before Player
    • Enable / Disable Video Player
    • Enter Width & Height of Player

    Manage Authors for Blog in Magento

    You can create accounts for new authors and manage the existing ones.

    Add Following Details To Create New Author

    • Author Name
    • Author Email Address
    • SEF URL Identifier
    • Author Image

     Configure Following Options For Author Section

    • Show / Hide Author List In Left Bar
    • Enable Author Section
    • Number Of Authors To Display in Left Bar
    • Author Menu Title

    Manage User Comments

    You can manage readers’ comments to prevent spamming and irrelevant remarks.

    • Review Comments Before Publishing
    • Enable / Disable Comments Section
    • Sort By New and Old Comments First
    • Configure No. of comments to display at a time 

    Create Multiple Articles Block To Display On CMS Pages

    To grab users’ attention, blog module for Magento allows you to add an ‘Articles Block’ on any page of your website.

    JSSOR Slider hasSet Block Display Area

    Select an area where you want the articles block to be displayed. a vast collection of slideshow effects, through which you can sort images and display them in a presentable manner.

    Add Block Description

    Write a description of the articles block to let the readers know the kind of articles attached to it.

    Attach Articles

    Write a description of the articles block to let the readers know the kind of articles attached to it.
     Attach Articles
    You can attach related articles that are meant to be displayed in the block.

    Customize Theme & Layout Of Articles Landing Page

    Customize following elements of the Articles landing Page

    • Width of content page
    • Color of whole page background
    • Color for heading background
    • CSS style for heading
    • CSS style for buttons
    • Color of featured articles background
    • Select 3 column or 2 Column with left / right sidebar

    SEO – Rank Your Articles In Search Engines

    You can configure SEO settings to allow users to find your articles in search engine results.

    Configure SEO Metas Of Articles Landing Page

    Blog extension allows you to optimize the landing page for articles with simple SEO meta configurations.

    Configure SEO Metas of Each Article

    You can maximize the online visibility of each article in the search engine by entering SEO meta information for all of them.

    Configure SEO Metas For Category Pages

    The SEO meta configuration is available for the category pages as well, as it empowers the users to find categories in the search results.

    Configure RSS Settings

    Enable RSS to allow your readers to subscribe for any update in the content.

    • Enable / Disable Articles RSS
    • Limit no. of characters for Articles Description
    • Enable / Disable HTML Filter

    Customize Featured Articles Slider

    Enable RSS to alloYou can make changes to the featured-articles slider to mold it according to the readers’ interest and convenience.w your readers to subscribe for any update in the content.

    • Enter Heading Featured Articles Slider
    • Enable / Disable Featured Articles Slider
    • No. of Articles to display
    • Enable / Disable slider Repetition
    • Control Speed
    • 30+ Animation Options

    Enable Articles Rating

    Encourage your readers to rate articles by enabling rating section.

    • Enable Articles Rating Section
    • Chose Who Can Rate Articles – Admin or Viewers
    • Enable / Disable Multiple Ratings Per User
    • Enter No. of Minutes for interval between multiple rating

    More Features

    • Enable / Disable Menu Link
    • Enter Menu Link Title
    • Control no. of Articles per page
    • Configure URL Suffix for better Search engine rankings
    • Enable articles rating from the back-end

    Merchant Benefits

    Articles and blog-posts can be used for educating and entertaining customers. A business blog often lacks a section, where customers can frequently communicate over a certain topic or issue. A business blog fills the gap of missing content by providing informational articles about their favorite products and services, and allowing them to share their views in the comments. Being a merchant, you can avail the following benefits.

    • With a well guided approach, you can educate your customers about products and services that ultimately increase the conversion rate.
    • Publishing quality and engaging article will enhance online visibility of your business website and drive you more traffic.
    • Well written articles and blog-posts are shared on various social networking platforms that helps establish a brand.
    • With frequent articles update, you can gain a fan base and a huge list of subscribers for email marketing.

    Merchant Benefits

    Customers are likely to gain information about products and services they are about to consume. To have a clear idea, they carry a thorough research that can be found in the articles and blog-posts you publish on your business website. Here are the benefits your customers will avail.

    • You customers find it helpful to read in detail about an issue that was raised in their mind and remained unanswered.
    • They can share their views in the comments section, which is a two-way communication medium.
    • An informational article helps your customers to quickly decide the purchase a product or hiring your services.

    Reviews & Rating

    4 Reviews

    Easy to Use


    Good Support


    Works Well

    Showing 1-4 of 4 reviews
    • Rabecca


      probably the most under-rated ext

      You guys have done an excellent job to put all the tools for articles management in this extension. Cant wait for the new version to be realized to see what you guys add to it next

    • Yunas



      Had to get this one and use it for alot of my clients. The first time i got it i only got one licence but since i have a web agency got the unlimited edition so i can save on it for my future projects. A must have



      Fast setup

      Great extension. Fast setup only takes a few hours. Our customers use the extension very much. We also use it as a little blog, very simple to use....

    • ghio


      Great extension

      Great extension if you need more control of your content in Magento. and last but not least excelent support!

    Frequently Asked Questions