2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Frequently Bought Together

Frequently Bought Together for Magento 2

Based on 0 reviews

Escalate your average order value by algorithmically suggesting products frequently bought together. The extension employs the Apriori algorithm that mines your order data for frequent itemsets and generates association rules. It then accurately shows products that appear together in most purchases. Offer discounts to maximize cross-sells.

  • Import order data in CSV to be mined
  • Specify minimum support count & confidence
  • Offer discount on recommended products
  • Buy any or all Relevant products
  • Customize block label
  • Customize 'Add to Cart' button text
  • Personalize label back & text colors
  • Approved by Magento Marketplace
  • Features
  • Product Reviews
  • FAQS
  • Related Products
  • Frequently Bought Together Block with Discount
  • Frequently Bought Together Block
  • Enable the Extension
  • Import Order Data
  • Display Warning Message While Importing Data
  • Manage Rules in a Single Grid
  • Edit FBT Rules From A Single Grid
  • Edit Each FBT Rule
  • Set Default Discount
  • Set Minimum Confidence
  • Set Minimum Support Count
  • Set Number of Scans
  • Set Discount & Add to Cart Label
  • Customize the FBT Block
Frequently Bought Together Block with Discount
Frequently Bought Together Block with Discount
Frequently Bought Together Block
Frequently Bought Together Block
Enable the Extension
Enable the Extension
Import Order Data
Import Order Data
Display Warning Message While Importing Data
Display Warning Message While Importing Data
Manage Rules in a Single Grid
Manage Rules in a Single Grid
Edit FBT Rules From A Single Grid
Edit FBT Rules From A Single Grid
Edit Each FBT Rule
Edit Each FBT Rule
Set Default Discount
Set Default Discount
Set Minimum Confidence
Set Minimum Confidence
Set Minimum Support Count
Set Minimum Support Count
Set Number of Scans
Set Number of Scans
Set Discount & Add to Cart Label
Set Discount & Add to Cart Label
Customize the FBT Block
Customize the FBT Block


Increases AOV

The extension lures customers into thickening their Cart with related products at a discounted price, increasing the average order value.

Increases Upsells

By recommending the most relevant products, customers have a high chance of buying additional items, increasing upselling and corss-selling.

Improves User Experience

Spare customers a manual search for apposite products and put the algorithm to work to automate accurate product suggestions.


Suggest Frequently Bought Together Products

You can significantly increase an average order value by suggesting relevant products. For example, customers who buy Milk will most likely purchase Bread & Butter too. So it’s wise to recommend these products to the customer who buys Milk.

Suggest Products Based on Real Order Data

Magento 2 Frequently Bought Together extension allows you to import order data for mining purposes. The data mining algorithm analyses all the orders looking for frequent itemsets and generates association rules based on those sets.

Frequent itemsets (also called Support) represent how many times a particular set of products have been bought together, while association rules (also called Confidence) determine how likely item Y is purchased when item X is purchased.

Specify Minimum Support Count

Support is one of the parameters of the Apriori mining algorithm. To understand the term, consider the following orders. P represents Products having ids 1,2,3...8.

Support says how popular an itemset is, as measured by the proportion of transactions in which an itemset appears. In the Table as shown in the image, the support of {P1, P2, P3} is 2 out of 8, and that of {P2, P4} is 4 out of 8.

If you specify the Minimum Support Count as 4, the extension will consider itemsets that appear four or more than four times in the total number of orders and ignore the rest.

Specify Minimum Confidence

Confidence is another parameter of the algorithm. Confidence refers to the number of times an item Y is purchased when item X is purchased. In the above table, the Confidence of {P2 -> P4} is 80%. It means P4 is purchased 80% of the time whenever P2 is purchased.

If you specify the Minimum Confidence as 60, the extension will consider products purchased 60% or more than 60% of the time in relation to another product.

Offer Discounts on Recommended Products

To attract customers to buy related products, you can offer bundle discounts. You can change the discount amount for each rule from the rules grid. The discount will automatically apply to the total order value.

Modify Labels for Discount & Add to Cart Button

Give catchy titles to discount label and add to cart button to make the upsell section more noticeable for customers. You can also enter a defaut discount that will be applied to all the rules. The “Add to Cart” button motivates customers to make a bundle purchase right away.

Customize Label Back & Text Colors

Magento 2 Frequently Bought Together extension allows you to effortlessly customize how the FBT block will look on a web page. Apart from customizing the titles, you can also change the label’s back and text colors to match your store’s theme.

Frequently Asked Questions