Top 5 Magento Extensions

To a survey in most developed countries more than 80% of shopping is now done online and the race for better and superior ecommerce stores is taking record breaking heights. If you need to spice up your online store with the right gear then have a look at these top 5 Magento Extensions.

1. Advance Google Map

With the help of Magento Google Maps store locator extension customers can access the locations of your store easily without clicking their brains out on every link Google Search has to offer.

How customers are facilitated with this module is remarkable and it compensates all the time and resources you might have wasted on customer care operatives and CSRs draining your revenues down.

Why your website needs Advance Google map

The module creates a page that finds stores for customers, but more importantly it preemptively helps search for items your store holds without the customers actually visiting it. This not only improves your brand image but also maintains a close transactional tie with the customer that gradually progresses for the long haul sending a valued feel.

How it works

With state of the art engineering, Advance Google Map allows the customers to pin the tag on your stores across the sates without involving any calls to the helpline department or stopping by the curb and asking for directions aimlessly.

Within a matter of seconds the plugin automatically pin points the customer’s locations and guides them to the nearest stores. It is up to the customer’s discretion if they wish to reveal their location by simply checking and unchecking the option. The products are also easily searched the same way the locations are and it also verifies through your website if the product is available or not.


2. FAQs + Product Questions

If a potential customer needs to make a swift transaction on your ecommerce website what could possibly thwart the sheer will of the customer?

1-It’s either your page is broke, means that there is some Error on the page due to any reason.

2-The customer needs to inquire about a minor detail in the product that keeps him from purchasing the product forever.

Asking questions directly

FAQs + Product Questions allows your ecommerce website to host the feature through which customers can directly ask straight on the product page. After the question has been neatly answered and the customer satisfied to make the purchase, other visitors can benefit from the log that come up with the same queries hence converting them into potential customers.

While the answered question remains on the product page to facilitate other customers for knowledge, the details on the page is periodically updated with new and creative content for SEO and conversion rates.

Consumer temperaments and knowledge for the future

With top of the line FAQ solution on your ecommerce website you can leave the customers with self service FAQ results while you relax and receive more traffic on your page. Most customers are susceptible to boredom when surfing on the internet and failing to acquire the right answer they are busting their brains for.

With the help of right combination and customer knowledge, you can assign FAQs product extension to terminate the hassle visitors have to face that costs you a potential customer. There is often that certain allure when glamorous and racy designs are involved in an ecommerce website.

3. Call for Price

A genius extension that allows you to hide the price and “add to cart” function on the product page and replace it with “call to action” function that enables customers to either drop a questions regarding the detail or price of the product or interact with the provided contact.

Hide and wait for action

It is totally to your discretion if you wish to leave the button empty or post a personalized message instead to retain the potential customer. The module is exceptionally useful when you are aware of the demands and needs of the customer and don’t want to scare away the client with the price tag but engage them with the detailed features and services that compensate the digits in the price.

Hide price magento extension also promotes clicks and traffic with newer queries for the website and creates lost leads into future purchases without any considerable effort from your side.

Reaching out to the customers

Customers are basically wandering on ecommerce platforms such as yours and will not stop to pay any tribute unless you have something to offer that they value. Solid leads are often the product of trust and reliability, both of which can be produced through personal contact. Leave your contact no. and chat with customer to satisfy his queries while gathering more knowledge and perception about demands for the future.

4. Product Attachments

An ecommerce website that denies the liberty of downloading content to its customers is basically less useful website floating on the internet. This extension helps the webmasters upload files like user manuals, How to guides, press releases etc which are needed for the website.

Gathering the consumers attention

It’s basically free advertisement because the more content visitors acquire from your website the more SEO marketing will take place giving your website leverage above its rivals without you spending a cent.

Feel free to upload, download and send

Product Attachments  basically allows all the formats and it allows customers to download images, audio and video files, manuals as well as CMS pages while at the same time allows you to upload files to your product pages. However the best feature of this module is sharing information and updates with the customers directly instead of channeling it through shop owners.

5. CSV Based Pricing

Your products will remain shelved if there is no mechanism to sell them online without being properly measured with respect to price by the customer.

Setting Criteria price for your products

This is where CSV Table Based Pricing extension moves in and allows you to use matrix enabled pricing function for your products. With this plugin at hand clients can search the product with the required size in cm, inches or feet and the plugin will calculate the cost automatically.

Involving customers without content spinning

Customers often get tired of thumping their calculator keys as they measure the size of the product while setting aside how much they actually require. With customizable CSV rows and columns, CSV plugin supports fractions for sharp measurements and percentage calculation can also be activated for small or large sizes.

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