2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Based on 2 reviews

Recent Sales Notification for Magento 2


Boost your visitor’s trust by notifying them of recent purchases in your store. The Magento 2 recent sales notification extension displays recent sales on your storefront in the form of clickable popup messages.

  • Choose between two popup view types.
  • Customize popup text using system variables.
  • Display popup at the desired position.
  • Display orders based on their status.
  • Limit recent orders to display in popup.
  • Display orders randomly or in sequence.
  • Specify popup display and delay time.
  • Customize the background, border, text, link colors.
  • Works for both desktop and mobile.
  • Approved by Magento Marketplace.
  • Features
  • Product Reviews
  • FAQS
  • Related Products
  • Image Centric Layout
  • Default Layout
  • Top Left Position
  • Top Right Position
  • Bottom Left Position
  • Bottom Right Position
  • Show Popup on Both Desktop & Mobile
  • Notification Popup on Mobile
  • Disable the Popup Close Button
  • Customize Popup Background & Text Color
  • Display Products Based on Order Status in Popup
  • Show Orders Randomly or in Sequence
  • Set Orders Limit
  • Customize Popup Text
  • Specify Display and Delay Time
Image Centric Layout
Image Centric Layout
Default Layout
Default Layout
Top Left Position
Top Left Position
Top Right Position
Top Right Position
Bottom Left Position
Bottom Left Position
Bottom Right Position
Bottom Right Position
Show Popup on Both Desktop & Mobile
Show Popup on Both Desktop & Mobile
Notification Popup on Mobile
Notification Popup on Mobile
Disable the Popup Close Button
Disable the Popup Close Button
Customize Popup Background & Text Color
Customize Popup Background & Text Color
Display Products Based on Order Status in Popup
Display Products Based on Order Status in Popup
Show Orders Randomly or in Sequence
Show Orders Randomly or in Sequence
Set Orders Limit
Set Orders Limit
Customize Popup Text
Customize Popup Text
Specify Display and Delay Time
Specify Display and Delay Time


Increases Customer’s Trust

Sales notifications tell your prospective customers that yours is a reliable store and that people trust your products, building their confidence in your store.

Promotes Popular Products

Sales notifications act as a marketing tool that showcases your best-selling or popular products to visitors who have a high chance of buying them.

Makes Store Engaging

Popup notifications readily attract visitor’s attention. They allow customers to interact with your store in one way or another, making your store more engaging.


Customize Recent Sales Notification Popup Text

You can craft a notification that is short and yet provides maximum details about an order. The extension supports HTML for the popup text. Admin can make use of system variables to include details such as the customer name, product name, product image, price, time of purchase, address.

The product name in the notification popup is clickable which takes customers to the relevant product page.

Choose Popup Display Position

You would want to position the popup where it does not distract or annoy customers. The extension offers the following four popup display positions:

  • Top Left
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Right

Show Orders Based on Status

Select which orders you want to display, i.e., Pending, Processing, Complete, On Hold, etc. You can also select multiple statuses or select all to show notifications of all orders regardless of their status.

Limit the Number of Display Orders

If you have a large number of orders and don’t wish to show all of them, you can limit them to a specific number. For example, the number 5 will only show five orders one by one. Enter 0 to show all orders.

Display Orders Randomly or in Sequence

If you opt for a sequence display, the extension will display the limited number of orders in a sequence, starting with the latest one. The random display option will have the extension to pick orders indiscriminately after the specified delay time.

Show Popup Close Button

Don’t irritate customers by not allowing them to close the popup or by constantly showing the notifications. Magento 2 recent sales notification extension gives you the option to show the close button on popup and also whether or not to show the next popup after a customer closes the popup.

Popup View Types

This Magento 2 recent sales notification extension is equipped with two attractive layouts. You can choose between Image Centric View and Default Layout View for the popup display.

Specify Display and Delay Time

It will be counter-effective to display the popup for too long or too short, or immediately after another. The display time allows you to choose wisely the number of seconds for which you want to keep showing a notification, while the delay time is the pause between the next popup display. You can also make the popup pause on mouse hover.

Display “Don’t Show Me this Popup” Checkbox

You must not compromise on user experience. Allow customers who prefer not to be shown sales notifications to choose so by displaying a checkbox. It’s a session-based checkbox that stops popup notifications for the user.

Design Recent Sale Notification Popup

A popup has to be appealing to attract visitor’s attention. You have many design options to make your notification popup look good or suit your store’s theme. You can change the popup background color, border color, text color, link color, and link hover color.

Fully Responsive

The Magento 2 recent sales notification extension is 100% responsive and works equally well on all screen sizes.

You have the option to display the recent sale notification popup on:

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Both Desktop & Mobile

Reviews & Ratings (2)


Helped my store greatly

I saw a clear increase in my sales after I started displaying sales notifications. The extension was a great help although I made some customizations.



More Features, Lower Price

This extension from FME offers more features than the competitors at a comparatively lower price. It worked great upon installation.

Jason Chapman

Frequently Asked Questions