2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Based on 7 reviews

Out of Stock Notification for Magento 2


Increase your sales by allowing customers to subscribe to an out-of-stock product and get an automatic notification when the product is back in stock using our Magento 2 out of stock notification extension. Know your product demand to order the stock accordingly.

  • Enable subscriptions for out of stock products
  • Automatically notify customers on product availability
  • View subscriptions and stock alerts using analytics dashboard
  • Manage stock alerts in a single grid
  • Replace "Add to Cart" with customizable "Subscribe" button
  • Automatically send low stock & new subscription alerts to admin
  • Customize the subscription form fields & button
  • Approved by Magento Marketplace
  • Features
  • Product Reviews
  • FAQS
  • Related Products
  • Magento 2 Out of Stock Subscription
  • Subscribe to Out of Stock Products
  • Magento 2 Notify When in Stock
  • Set GDPR Consent
  • Display Out of Stock Requests in a Dashboard
  • View Most Wanted Products
  • View Most Recent Subscriptions
  • Manage Out of Stock Requests
  • Send Back in Stock Notifications
  • View All Stock Subscriptions in a Single Grid
  • Product Specific Stock Subscribers
  • Configure Subscribed Customer's Info
  • Out of Stock Notification for Magento 2
  • Configure Low Stock Alerts For Admin
  • Magento 2 Low Stock Notification Email to Admin
  • Magento 2 Notify When in Stock Email
Magento 2 Out of Stock Subscription
Magento 2 Out of Stock Subscription
Subscribe to Out of Stock Products
Subscribe to Out of Stock Products
Magento 2 Notify When in Stock
Magento 2 Notify When in Stock
Set GDPR Consent
Set GDPR Consent
Display Out of Stock Requests in a Dashboard
Display Out of Stock Requests in a Dashboard
View Most Wanted Products
View Most Wanted Products
View Most Recent Subscriptions
View Most Recent Subscriptions
Manage Out of Stock Requests
Manage Out of Stock Requests
Send Back in Stock Notifications
Send Back in Stock Notifications
View All Stock Subscriptions in a Single Grid
View All Stock Subscriptions in a Single Grid
Product Specific Stock Subscribers
Product Specific Stock Subscribers
Configure Subscribed Customer's Info
Configure Subscribed Customer's Info
Out of Stock Notification for Magento 2
Out of Stock Notification for Magento 2
Configure Low Stock Alerts For Admin
Configure Low Stock Alerts For Admin
Magento 2 Low Stock Notification Email to Admin
Magento 2 Low Stock Notification Email to Admin
Magento 2 Notify When in Stock Email
Magento 2 Notify When in Stock Email


Increase Conversions and Sales

Don't let visitors turn to your competitors in case your product is out of stock. Allow them to subscribe and get qualified leads.

Better Inventory Management

Save money on inventory management by ordering only the products high in demand. This also helps you maximize profits.

Reduce Staff Responsibilities

Automatically notifying your subscribers about product availability saves a lot of your staff time in converting them to customers.


Allow Subscriptions for Out of Stock Notifications

If you simply display ‘Out of Stock’ for temporarily unavailable products, customers won’t have any option but to leave the page. Why not still engage them and give them the option to subscribe and get email notification when the product is available. It serves multiple purposes. You know the demand for the product and manage your stock effectively while customers can buy their favorite product later.

Send Automatic Email Alerts on Stock Refill

The extension sends a back in stock notification to the subscribed users as soon as the subscribed product becomes available. An automatic email is sent to their provided email address with the product name, a customizable back in stock message and a link to the product that directs them to the relevant product page.

Out of stock notification for Magento 2 not only improves user experience but also helps you avoid losing interested customers.

Replace ‘Add to Cart’ with Subscribe Button

You can replace the ‘Add to Cart’ with ‘Notify Me’ button on out of stock products to make the users subscribe for stock alert rather than shopping from your competitor. Change the button text as per your needs.

Stock Alert Subscription for Configurable, Grouped & Bundle Products

This Magento 2 out of stock notification extension works for all types of products. Customers and guest visitors can subscribe to simple, configurable, grouped and bundle products.

Benefit from the Analytics Dashboard

See at a glance all the subscriptions created, notifications sent and orders made using the smart analytics dashboard. The reports let you know about the number of new subscriptions created, the number of back in stock notifications sent and the amount of orders made from these notifications in a given period.

This handy dashboard tells you how well Magento 2 out of stock notification system is performing. You can use this data to know about your customer’s preferences and ‘most wanted’ products.

Highlights the Most Wanted Products & Recent Subscriptions

The extension also allows you to view the most wanted products and the most recent subscriptions. Merchants can view the product names, SKU, alerts sent, email & subscription timing.

Manage All Stock Alerts in a Single Grid

A handy grid lets you keep track of all the subscriptions and stock alerts. See how many subscriptions have you got for different products and how many customers are awaiting stock notification for each product.

This useful data helps you timely refill your stock with the most in demand products so that customers don’t have to wait longer.

View Subscriptions for Better Stock Management

This Magento 2 out of stock notification add-on shows all the subscriptions for out of stock products that empower you to evaluate the most demanding store items. You can evaluate how much stock you would need to order to serve your customers.

Create Out of Stock Subscriptions on Behalf of Customers

Subscribe for out of stock notification for a particular Magento 2 product on behalf of your customers.

View Product Specific Subscriptions

If you want to see the list of subscribers for a particular product, you can do so with this handy Magento 2 out of stock notification extension. Not only this, you can also search subscribers by name, email, subscription date or remove them from the list. This gives you an idea about customer's demand for that product.

Display Subscribed Products in Customer Account

Customers can view the subscribed products in their account section in a separate tab. They can unsubscribe from the products in a single click.

Configure Low Stock Alerts For Admin

Magento 2 out of stock extension allows to configure automatic low stock alerts. In this way, merchants can easily manage store inventory. You can configure:

  • Enable low stock alerts
  • Set minimum quantity to notify admin about low in stock alert
  • Select email template to notify admin about low stock
  • Add admin email

GDPR Compliant

Enable out of stock notification for Magento 2 while remaining in compliance with the GDPR requirements. Display a mandatory GDRP checkbox in order to get customer’s consents while subscribing for back in stock notifications.

Setup Out of Stock Email Notifications for Admin

You can provide an admin email to receive subscribers messages about out of stock items.

Reviews & Ratings (7)


Clean Coded

I bought this Out of Stock Notification extension for my client. I am a Magento Developer. I am really impressed by FME Developers. Clean coded & Easy to Use extension.



Good Extension with Useful Functions

I purchased “Out of Stock Notification” from FMEextensions, it's working smoothly. I recommend it to others who are looking for such an extension. I had a small issue on Mobile Devices which resolved quickly by the Support Team,



Fixed issues

There were a few issues with the first time configuration. And the support team was super-fast to resolve them. Now it’s working flawlessly. Thank You FME support team.


Frequently Asked Questions