How to Design an Awesome Company Website – A 5 Steps Guide

How to Design an Awesome Company Website – A 5 Steps Guide

You might have heard of, “First impression is always the last” a common phrase. When it comes to your company’s official website, it requires an intellectual and sleek design. A website can either attract or drive away visitors. If your site were dull, boring or highly unattractive, that would appear as a major reason to why your visitors might drive away. In a modern age like this, no one is interested in waiting, so if your site lags that would result negatively for the image of your company. It is quite simple really; a website designed poorly would result in visitors doubting the company’s relevance and credibility.

If your website tends to lag there could be numerous reasons; it is generic and un-customized, formatted for only one device, lacking in visual appear or missing a clear marketing strategy. Not to worry, there are many sites facing the same problems, and to avoid them GO-Gulf website design team has put together a few steps to owning a perfect website.

First Step: Start With Strategy

One must understand the kind of market they want to capture in order to present things according to their level for a positive response. Therefore, that directs the first step to; understand your company’s market, customer base, and leads. For this, you will need to know how and why someone would visit or how he or she will use the website. Your aim here is to prove your company’s capabilities by solving any customers’ problem in the most suitable way possible.

What do customers look for when searching for a solution to their problems? They look for the benefits offered by each company in order to decide which is best to get their job done. Whilst designing your website you need to make them an offer they cannot refuse, by adding value to your project you are not only retaining a customer but you are also strengthening your customer base.

A marketing strategy is required to base a strong website. Design your website in such a unique way that any visitor who views it gets a proper insight of what your company has to offer and that your company is definitely the one to solve all their problems.

Second Step: Understand Your Individual Customers Better

Understanding your customers’ needs is one thing, understanding the tendencies, motives and how a specific customer tends to make their decisions could give you the lead as to how you should approach them. This kind of understanding can help you to develop detailed buyer personas for each type of customer. Generally, the more you know your customers and their decision-making strategies, the more you can cater your design, voice and messaging according to their needs with perfection. Considering this information, you can alter the messaging and voice of your website to speak to your customer, answer to their individual need, and prompt them to act. However, this process should take place before you design your website.

Third Step: Choose the Best Language to Build In

Generally, it all depends on the language you choose. The biggest mistake most companies tend to make is they do not choose the language they want their site to have, and instead they simply hire an agency first. That the worst you could do for your own website, judging by the fact that you are technically paying for everything the agency recommends, and that does not necessarily mean they know what you have in mind.

It is all about competition in the end, which means bringing something new to table. Whereas hiring an agency to do all the thinking for you as they will only recommend the language they have experience in. Even if you hire the best in town, and you have seen their work being up to the mark, that still does not necessarily mean they would know about all the possibilities. They have nothing to compare. In addition, all agencies have a typical mind frame; you are missing making your website different from all the mainstream websites.

Bottom-line here; choose a language to design your website in a way that it will add great value.

Fourth Step: Create a Site Map & Wire Frame

Think of your website as a long, straight, clear-shot highway – a road that tends to offer a stop relevant for each visitor. Similar to the creation of a great a highway your website requires extensive planning and thorough workings to get the desired results. Hence, with thorough planning your website structure to fit a site map along with a wire frame, it is bound to get many hits.

No one likes a complicated website that has no proper path. One should keep it simple and easy to help the customers find what they need with ease. They should not have to go through any sort of hassle just to figure out what are your specialties’. With the help of a wireframe for your website, you can direct paths for each persona. Including resources and tools to help your buyers’ learn more about the company quicker.

Fifth Step: Optimize Design for Different Devices

With the rise of technology all over the world, your site needs optimization to suit each set of devices individually or else it is most likely suffering massively. Instead of using desktops to visit your company’s website, most customers would use their tablets or smartphones to do so. It used to be a whole lot more difficult before to own a mobile site, as each company was required to build an entirely separate site and host it on a sub-domain. Today, technology has simplified things to the extent that all you need to do is build your site and your site will automatically respond to every type of viewing device.

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