People looking to make a reservation won’t even bother to pick up the phone and get one because E-Commerce has made them to do so. Online shopping trends have increased like anything in past couple of years and getting “online Bookings” is also one of the growing trends. your hotels, travel agencies, spa, saloons, photography department, medical professions and others need to be highly advanced to meet all Ecommerce challenges and most important factor is having an extra ordinary online bookings and reservations system.
FME comes up with a module for all E-stores offering services online including doctors, therapists, travel agents, spa owners and others. Module is named as Bookings and Reservation Magento Module. This module will treat your clients as a highly professional staff serving people 24/7. Easy online booking and reservation system can increase your clients and there will be more conversation which is good for the sake of business.
Lets have a look at How it Works for different professions.
Booking and Reservation module is very easily and 100% configurable. It allows you to control all the bookings made online just check out FME’s Booking and Reservation Online Magento Extension.
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