Obrazy WebP for Magento 2

Przełącz się na zaawansowaną technikę optymalizacji obrazów z pomocą rozszerzenia Magento 2 WebP. Rozszerzenie redukuje rozmiar konwencjonalnych formatów obrazów, przekształcając je w zaawansowany i lekki format WebP opracowany przez Google, bez kompromisów dotyczących jakości. Poprawia to prędkość strony internetowej, wydajność i optymalizację pod kątem SEO.
- Łatwo konwertuj obrazy na format WebP.
- Zmniejsz rozmiar obrazu o prawie połowę.
- Pomiń foldery podczas konwersji na WebP.
- Ustaw poziom jakości obrazu.
- Podgląd jakości i rozmiaru obrazu przed konwersją.
- Włącz leniwe ładowanie.
- Wielokrotna kompatybilność z przeglądarkami.
- Zatwierdzone przez Magento Marketplace.
- Kompatybilne z Magento 2 Image Cleaner.
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Obrazy WebP
- Required Libraries for WebP Image Conversion
- Convert Images to WebP on page Load
- Preview WebP Image Comparison in Popup
- Add Lazy Load Attribute to Images
- Set Quality Level for WebP Images
- Multiple WebP Image Conversion Tools
- Exclude Folders from Converting to WebP
- Flush WebP Image Cache
What Are WebP Images?
WebP is an image file format for the web that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images. Since heavy images are often the reason for slow loading websites, WebP images overcome this as they are considerably smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP is Google’s preferred format for web images.
The Magento 2 WebP extension helps you adopt this futuristic image optimization technique for reducing image sizes and improving page load speed without compromising its quality.

Boost Website Performance
The conventional image formats are bulky which reduces the loading speed of your websites that leads to under performing web pages and content. Configure Magento 2 WebP once to convert images to WebP format that loads instantly with the same quality.
WebP typically achieves an average of 30% more compression than JPEG and PNG 2000, without losing image quality.
Improve Search Engine Exposure
Website loading speed and performance are the key factors for ranking higher in search engines. The advanced image optimization to WebP format loads the visual content faster than ever thus improving your website exposure in search engine result pages.

Compress Image Size to Half
Image compression was not considered a good practice as it used to distort or pixel out images. By converting the usual image formats to WebP, you can compress them up to half of their size without affecting picture quality. You can choose a quality level between 1 and 100. You can also run a conversion test to preview the quality and size of any image by providing the image ID.
Automate Image Conversions to WebP
Converting every image to WebP is hard if you go manual, but automating it with Magento 2 WebP extension simplifies the job. Automate the conversion process and convert thousands of images to WebP format in a matter of seconds. You can choose any of the two conversion methods:
- Convert to WebP on Page Load
- Use CLI command: fme:convert:webp

Compatible With Multiple Browsers
Magento 2 WebP is using a smart method of converting original image formats to WebP on the updated versions of browsers. However, it shows the original images – without conversion – to the users coming through the old versions of browsers such as Internet Explorer and Safari that are not WebP image optimization ready.
Supports 3 Conversion Tools
The extension supports 3 conversion tools. You can choose any of the following for converting images to WebP format:
- GD
- cwebp
- Imagick

Exclude Folders From Advanced Image Optimization
You can make the extension skip any or multiple folders from advanced image optimization. Add folders to the field and the relevant images will load in their original formats.
Enable Lazy Loading
Reduce the load time of your web pages by enabling lazy loading as it shows limited visual content at the initial stage and displays more upon user scrolls. Make use of this feature if you have lots of images on your web pages.

Use Cases of Magento 2 WebP Images
Use Case 1: Improve the Store’s Loading Times
Business Requirement:
Improve your Magento 2 stores’ loading time to gain higher search rankings and enhance the user experience.
Magento 2 Limitation:
Magento 2 has no native support for WebP images. Without it, your eCommerce store will experience frustratingly higher loading times due to high-resolution images served in last-gen formats.
Why Use Our Magento 2 Webp Image Extension?
Our WebP Images Magento 2 extension automatically converts existing and new images into the WebP format. While the quality remains the same, file size is reduced significantly. The store benefits from faster page loading and optimised SEO performance.

Use Case 2: Reducing Server Bandwidth Costs
Business Objective:
Remain competitive by reducing operating costs without any negative impact on the website’s visual content or the user experience.
Magento Limitation:
Without native support for WebP, Magento 2 serves high-resolution images in last-gen formats, contributing to excessive bandwidth usage. This increases hosting and CDN costs.
Why Use Our WebP Extension for Magento 2 ?
Our WebP Image Magento 2 extension converts all images in selected folders to WebP. The converted image size is up to 35% smaller, while quality remains the same.
Use Case 3: Improving the Experience for Smartphone Users
Business Objective:
Attract more mobile users since they account for more than 60% of eCommerce traffic and sales.
Magento Limitation:
Magento serves the same image to desktop and mobile users. The lack of optimisation can lead to slower loading times for mobile users. In turn, it impacts sales and traffic.
Why Use Our Magento 2 WebP Extension?
Our Magento 2 WebP image extension serves mobile users compressed and optimised images in WebP. This reduces loading times and data consumption. At the same time, it boosts the traffic and conversion rate.

- Clear All generated WebP images - flush web cache
- Test WebP conversion of any image to review picture quality & size
- Works equally well on mobile pages (AMP compatible)
The extension automatically converts all your Magento 2 JPEG, JPG, and PNG images to WebP.
- Install the Magento 2 WEBP extension by FME.
- Go to FME Extensions -> Configuration.
- Run 'composer require rosell-dk/webp-convert' command to install the *rosell-dk* library.
- Run 'catalog:image:resize' command to avoid cached images issues.
- Set Enable field to 'Yes', set a Quality Level, and select a Conversion Tool.
- Save the changes.