Magento 2 Photo Gallery by FME - Make your eCommerce Website an Attractive and Compelling One

Magento 2 Photo Gallery by FME - Make your eCommerce Website an Attractive and Compelling One

The addition of images to your entire website or product pages is a valuable addition which you often ignore. It is evident that users simply ignore a web page or blog if visuals are missing. They find it boring to read and browse a website further. Following are some of the statistics that may prove the significance of images on an eCommerce website.

  • 60% of online buyers are prone to contact or consider asking a business about its products or services if its images appear in local search results. source
  • An eye-tracking study suggests that the online readers tend to pay more attention in viewing images that carry information. Especially, when the images are relevant to a product, category, or niche of a website. source
  • Images help users to remember your brand and business. According to Jerome Bruner, a psychologist, people are more likely to remember things that they do or see rather than reading or hearing. source

In light of the above-discussed statistics, we can deduce that the use of images is mandatory for any website that aims to attract and engage users so that they can convert.

A blogger may want his or her readers to subscribe or follow an affiliate link, whereas a merchant may want users to proceed to checkout. The end goal is achieving conversion that could be in any form.

The merchants who are using Magento for their online business can add up an entire photo gallery with a single application. The Magento 2 Photo Gallery and Product Image Gallery extension is developed to address the current day need to upload captivating photography to an eCommerce website, and its products and categories. You can take benefit of this amazingly built tool.

Magento 2 Photo Gallery and Product Image Gallery


Magento 2 Photo Gallery extension by FME creates a separate gallery section on your eCommerce website that can be utilized for communicating promotions, new, product launch events, corporate gatherings, market insights, and valuable information in a visual format.

Have you ever wanted to publish your favorite infographics right on your website, but it lacked the functionality. With the help of this extension, you can create separate albums that showcase specific information.

You can attach photo gallery to a product or category of your eCommerce website to connect valuable resources and helpful information right from your website. You are no longer required to search for relevant images as you can have a photo bank of your own. This tool is loaded with lots of amazing features that are discussed one by one in this post.

Have a Dedicated Page of Photo Gallery


Photo gallery extension for Magento 2 helps you create a dedicated section of photos and images right on your eCommerce website. It gives you the freedom to have a photo bank of your own to attract and engage users. The dedicated page for image gallery comes with various configuration options. It allows the merchants to create various albums to meaningfully categorize the images.

For example, you need to upload images of an event or corporate gathering, you can create a separate album for it.

Segregating Images in Captivating Albums


The creation of photo gallery is useful in attracting the users to make them stay more, browse other albums, and find products of their interest. Additionally, you can have the SEO benefit as well. the configuration of basic SEO settings ensures the photo gallery appears in search results as well. As a result, you get traffic that may lead to better conversion rate.

Adding Photo Gallery to Selected Products


Do not restrict the collection of images to the photo gallery page alone. Magento 2 product photo gallery extension empowers you to connect images with relevant products.

You can assign an entire gallery to a product to improve exposure of the images as well as the product pages. Add media to selected products of your store and give them a boost.

Add Photo Gallery to a Category

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With Magento 2 Product Image gallery extension, the addition of images to a category seems to be a hassle-free job. All you need to do is select a category and attach it to an album. The images will display on the respective category page without doing extra efforts.

Placement of an image gallery on a category page can sum up all the products it includes. For example, a kids’ garment online shop can display images about summer in the ‘summer wear’ section to communicate the nature of items at a glance.

Allow Image Display in Soft Lightbox


The Lightbox preview is one of the quickest forms of displaying images on a website. Magento 2 Product image gallery extension allows you to enable lightbox preview for better usability.

Let the users comfortably browse images on the product, category, or gallery page and continue watching previous and next images as well. Users often need to open an image in full size in order to have a detailed look.

The conventional stores require them to view the image in a separate tab that often diverts their attention as well. But this extension has combined all the comfort for you and your valued users. Let them open images in a quick-to-open lightbox.

Enhance Social Exposure with Social Media Share Buttons


Social media has to power to drive a massive amount of traffic and fan followings. People are using various social media networks not only to connect with their loved ones but to share anything interesting to their social circle with a click.

Magento photo gallery extension wants you to secure huge social exposure, followers, and web traffic that’s why it includes social share buttons as well. Social media share buttons appear on each image that encourages users in sharing it with friends and family.

The buttons are made sophisticated to make sure it does not annoy the user. Unlike the conventional widgets, this extension displays social media share buttons in the form of attractive icons and that only appears when a user hovers over an image.

Upload Multiple Image Files at Once

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Get rid of the old age technology of adding images to your website one by one. Image gallery extension for Magento 2 allows you to upload multiple images and form a complete album at once. All the multiple tasks and uploads are summed up in a single feature.

Extensive Configuration Settings to Personalize Image Gallery


Magento product image gallery extension comes with extensive configuration settings that offer you immense personalization options.

You can initiate customizing image display of the photo gallery, define image size and aspect ratio, and continue personalizing photo gallery, and product or category galleries as well. Click any tab to configure the settings and pursue a user-friendly display of images on your website.

Restrict Photo Gallery by Store View

If you want to the photo gallery to be viewed by users of certain store view, you can restrict it as well. This will stop certain users from viewing the images that are not meant to view access the photo galleries. Have your privacy in engaging a targeted community by allowing the store views they use to log in to your website.


The addition of images is the need of the hour. The increasing number of mobile and social media users is driven by visuals. The internet readers are no more interested in reading a whole lot of text that is not supported by captivating images.

Keeping these all factors in mind, an eCommerce website cannot survive if the interesting visual content is not available to the users. Magento 2 photo gallery extension can help you create a visual context by allowing you to upload an unlimited amount of images, segregate them in albums, and attach them to products or categories. Step ahead of your competitors by adding a flavor of visual cues to your landing pages.

Check Magento 2 product photo gallery demo & details here.