Paypal Adaptive Payments - Xcommerce

Magento PayPal Extension uses the Paypal Adaptive Payments API to let you create and manage parallel / chained payments, payment preapprovals, and refunds. Send money peer-to-peer, split payments in both parallel and chained models, accept guest payments. The Adaptive Payments API works on multiple platforms including the web and mobile environments.
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- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
- Adaptive Payments - Paypal
Magento Split Payments and Multi-Shipping Address Checkout
- One sender, One receiver; Single Payment, Single Receiver. Just like in a typical transaction
- One sender, multiple receivers. You can split payments among multiple recipients at once.
- One Sender, One primary receiver and multiple secondary receivers e.g. booking through online travel agency. For customer, the travel agency is the primary receiver whereas
- PayPal deposits money in both primary and secondary recipient’s accounts as per the configuration.
Manage Refunds - Magento Adaptive Payments
- This extension supports full and partial refunds. Refunds can be from your account or from someone else’s account.
- Pay Almost Anyone with an Email Address
- PayPal Account is not mandatory; payments can be transferred to anyone who has an email address or mobile phone number. Recipients will be able to create PayPal accounts instantly.
Manage Refunds - Magento Adaptive Payments
- This extension supports full and partial refunds. Refunds can be from your account or from someone else’s account.
- Pay Almost Anyone with an Email Address
- PayPal Account is not mandatory; payments can be transferred to anyone who has an email address or mobile phone number. Recipients will be able to create PayPal accounts instantly.
Get Paid by Anyone - Magento Adaptive PayPal
- Receive payments from anyone with an email address; it is not mandatory for them to have a PayPal account.
- Set-up Preapproved Payment Plans
- Setup preapprovals, then you will no longer be required to log-in to PayPal in future for approving specific payments. This includes single-payments, multiple-payments, and subscriptions which can be based on fixed or variable amount.
Embed Payments in Applications
- Customers can pay as little as 50 cents and they can checkout without even leaving your app or website.
- Configuration Features - Magento Adaptive PayPal Payments
- You can enable only adaptive payment method and can disable all others
- Custom title and description for the checkout page
- Embedded Payments functionality can be enabled or disabled
- Allow cart items to be forwarded to PayPal
- Custom label for Services
- Customers can check/uncheck shipping address once they are in PayPal.
- Enable Simple, Parallel, or Chained payment method
- Choose PayPal Fees Payer (Each Receiver, Secondary Receiver, Sender, Primary Receiver)
- Custom memo can be added
- Custom status for new order can be set such as pending, processing etc.
- Manage Suppliers separately
- Tier Percentage on supplier’s products Total
- Supports Multi-Shipping Address Checkout
PayPal Account Details
- You will need to enter API Username, password, signature, application ID and finally enable/disable the proxy