OtherOctober 23, 2012

Magento Tutorial - Product Page Customization with Featured Products

Magento Tutorial - Product Page Customization with Featured Products

Featured Product Layout Magento Extension allows your website to be made more innovative and splashing by complete customization of product display area on product pages. Customers will visit these pages in order to obtain detailed product's information like specs, reviews, images and testimonials etc. Therefore this is the right corner to catch, means that you should be using customer grabbing strategy right on this page like most of other online merchants.

This Magento Extension lets you add custom background image only for the product display area and whole of your product page is intact. Default product image can be bypassed by uploading featured image. If featured image is uploaded then default image will not be shown. Also layout for whole of this product display area can be changed like the Magento product page layout.

Following layouts are supported for product view area;

  • 1. 1 Column Left
  • 2. 1 Column Right
  • 3. 2 Column Left
  • 4. 2 Column Right

Following actions are required to customize your product display area on product page, see the above image for reference;

Add Layout:

Access to Magento Admin panel from back end and then navigate to Featured Product Layout Magento Extension. You will find following three options;

  • 1. Add Layouts
  • 2. Manage Layouts
  • 3. Configuration

You would first need to add new layout for your product display area, click on it and configure following settings;

Title: Enter label for this layout

Background Image: You can upload custom background image for product display area from here. This will by pass default product image which will not be shown in this case.

Layout: As mentioned above you can choose from four different layout types. These layouts will not be applied on your whole product page but only to the area where product information is displayed. Status: Set Enabled from the drop down to activate this layout. Store View: In Magento you can create multiple store views e.g. for multiple currencies, each currency can have a separate store view. Select your desired store view for this layout. Custom CSS: This feature is optional but provides extreme level of flexibility. You can write complete CSS the way you do in HTML and whole of the settings will be applied to the product display area. Featured Image: Navigate to product settings in catalog. Open any product and on the left navigation column you will find a new tab named as "Featured Image" Choose Products: Select products on which this Layout will be applied: On the left side click on choose products where you can select one, two or as many products as you like on which you want to have customized product display area. You can see in the image how will your product page look after this customization. Magento Featured Products Extension comes with rich administration module which allows complete customization of product display area. It serves a strong marketing purpose on product page where more than 70% of the people are potential customers. Grab and retain your clients now easily!

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