How to Create Catalog Price Rules in Magento 2?

This article discusses everything there is to know about the Magento catalog price rules. Let’s first understand the term.

What are Magento Catalogue Price Rules?

It is a promotional tool that allows merchants to apply discounts and other promotions on products within a catalog. The rules are automatically applied after specific conditions are met. It allows merchants to apply discounts without manual intervention. The other promotional tool is the Cart Price Rule.

Difference Between Catalog and Magento 2 Cart Price Rules

The difference between the two is that Magento 2 cart price rules apply promotions to the cart in the checkout phase. Offers like coupon code, free shipping, discounts in order total, buy 1 get 1 free, etc., are examples of Cart Price Rule. In Catalog Price Rules, the promotion is displayed even before the product has been added to cart.

It allows you to offer specific products on a discounted price based on a condition or a set of conditions. The discount is applied automatically to all the products when the conditions are met. Let’s discuss how to set up the Magento 2 catalogue price rules. But before that, let’s discuss the benefits of this feature.

Why Set Up Magento Catalog Price Rules


The foremost benefit of the Magento 2 catalog price rules is that it allows for the entire process to be automated. Instead of manually configuring the discounts, merchants can automate it, thereby ensuring greater consistency.

Saves Time

Another benefit of Magento catalogue price rules is that it saves time. Since the manual work is removed, merchants can save valuable time. They can use the time elsewhere, including customer service or finding new ways to expand the store.

Enhances the Customer Experience

As the discounts are easily visible on the product/catalog pages, this prompts users to complete the checkout process. The reason is that they know from the very start they are going to save money. In Magento 2 cart price rules, users cannot know for sure if they are eligible for a discount unless they reach the checkout stage.

Manage Inventory

If a certain product category is not generating the required sales, merchants can easily apply discounts to it. This can help in clearing the products from stock.

Improve Customer Loyalty

You can apply Magento 2 catalog price rules for certain customer groups. This can be a great way to foster greater loyalty and drive repeat sales. Through advanced data analytics, merchants can offer highly personalised discounts to select customer groups.

4 Simple Steps To Configure Magento 2 Catalog Price Rules

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will introduce how to create Magento 2 catalog price rules easily.

Step 1: Add a New Catalog Price Rule

  • To add a new Catalog Price Rule, navigate to Marketing -> Promotions -> Catalog Price Rule in your Magento store’s admin dashboard.
  • Click Add New Rule in the upper-right corner.
  • You will see Rule Information, Conditions, and Actions tabs on the left panel. Expand the Rule Information tab to see the following options.

Let’s see what these options mean.

  • Rule Name: Give the Rule a meaningful name. It is for your internal reference only.
  • Description: Explain the Rule for your own understanding. This field is optional so you can leave it empty if you want to.
  • Status: Set it to ‘Active’ to enable the Rule.
  • Websites: Select Websites where the Rule is to be available.
  • Customer Groups: Select Customer Groups to which the Rule applies.
  • From & To: Select the date range for which the Rule will be in effect.
  • Priority: Enter a number to determine the priority of the Rule.

Step 2: Set the Conditions

Here, you can set Conditions based on different attribute sets. For example, if you want to offer discounts on products of a specific category, you can choose the ‘Category’ attribute.

  • Tap the Conditions tab.
  • To add a new condition, tape the “Add” button and choose an attribute that you want to use as the basis of the condition.
  • Clicking on the 'is' operator will allow you to select a comparison operator for the condition to be met.

Step 3: Define the Actions

This section allows you to define how you want to apply the rule.

  • Expand the ‘Actions’ tab on the left panel to see the following options.
  • Set Apply to one of the following.
    • Apply as percentage of original: Applies discount by percentage i.e. a percentage entered in the Discount Amount field is subtracted from the original price. For example, if you want to offer a 5% discount, enter 5 in the Discount Amount field.
    • Apply as fixed amount: Applies discount as fixed amount i.e. a fixed amount entered in the Discount Amount field is subtracted from the original price. For example, if you want to offer a $10 discount, enter 10 in the Discount Amount field.
    • Adjust final price to this percentage: Applies discount by defining the final price based on percentage. For example, if you want the discount to be 20% of the original price, enter 20 in the Discount Amount field.
    • Adjust final price to discount value: Sets the price to a fixed amount.
  • Discount Amount: Enter the discount amount that you want to apply.
  • Discard Subsequent rules: Set this to ‘Yes’ if you want to stop other rules from processing after this rule is applied.

Step 4: Apply the Catalog Price Rule

To apply the Magento 2 catalog price rule, click Save and Apply on the New Catalog Price Rule grid.

Note that the new rule is not immediately available. It will take an hour or so to become active after which Magento will recalculate the prices according to the rule. Make sure to test it after it is available.


If you have trouble implementing the Magento 2 catalog price rules, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our Magento development experts will get back to your promptly.

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