How to Upgrade Magento 2 via Command Line?

How to Upgrade Magento 2 via Command Line?

Upgrading your Magento 2 store is the first thing you should do to take advantage of the new features. While there are 3 ways to upgrade Magento 2, we will only focus on one particular method in this article, that is, to upgrade via CLI (command line interface). You can use this method if you have installed the Magento software by

  • Downloading the metapackage using composer create-project.
  • Installing the compressed archive. Source

Pre-Upgrade Checklist

To make sure the process goes smoothly, do the following before you start the upgrade.

  • Verify that your PHP extensions and other environment settings are not in conflict with the version system requirements.
  • Make sure your cron jobs are setup and running.
  • Make sure the file permissions are set properly.
  • Enable maintenance mode to prevent access to the website during the upgrade. You can do so with this command.
bin/magento maintenance:enable

How to Upgrade Magento 2 via Command Line

Follow the steps below to upgrade your Magento 2 via CLI.

Step 1: Access Your Magento Server Via SSH

You need to login to your Magento server using your SSH credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Magento 2 Root Directory

Once you are connected, navigate to your Magento 2 root directory. Usually, it is public_html.

Step 3: Apply Upgrade Commands

Apply the following commands to upgrade.

composer require magento/product-community-edition=2.3.3 --no-update

composer update

version 2.3.3 is the latest version. You can change this number accordingly.

Step 4: Enter your Authentication Keys

It will ask for authentication keys. If you don’t know how to find/generate authentication keys, click here.

Step 5: Manually Clear Cashes and Generated Content.

rm -rf var/di/* var/generation/* var/cache/* var/log/* var/page_cache/*

Step 6: Update the Database Schema & Data

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Step 7: Disable Maintenance Mode

You are ready to make your store live again.

php bin/magento maintenance:disable

That’s all you needed to do. Now, open your storefront URL in a web browser and see if the upgrade was successful.